Yes, Your Business Needs a Blog
Businesspeople frequently ask why they need a company blog, and it’s usually followed by, “Isn’t our website enough?”
Not too long ago, operating your business sans blog wasn’t a big deal. Now, however, expectations have changed and not having a blog is a risky strategy at best … but really it’s just dumb.
Here are seven reasons why you better have a blog—though this list could stretch into the hundreds.
You can use your blog to demonstrate your company’s industry expertise and thought leadership by sharing your viewpoints and opinions with readers.
Your customers and prospects will visit your site more regularly—and ideally engage with you—when they know you have fresh content on a regular basis. Fact: More engagement generates more leads.
Search engines love blogs. There is ginormous SEO impact with blogs, especially when you sprinkle in some keywords in your blog posts. You’re creating fresh content and more pages to be indexed by search engines—and they dig this. A blog also signals to search engines that you are engaged with your site and—by extension—your customers and prospects.
Stay current and fresh from a PR and marketing perspective by quickly adding content around recent events within your company and industry.
Your site becomes the go-to place for your company’s information when you engage in a dialogue with customers and prospects through blog comments. You can also create a forum to address company or industry issues on your blog.
Build your social media presence. Your blog becomes a repository of rich content that you can share across the web, which will lead to more followers and a bigger social media footprint.
Lastly, your blog is where you connect with people. Give your brand a human touch by allowing your company’s most important asset—its people—to have a voice and share their knowledge with others.
What other blogging benefits belong on this short list?
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